Studio Workshop


Sue makes the magic happen from her temporary home in Adelaide.

The studio is where my creative thoughts find their way onto different surfaces. I use a collection of found items and love the process of finding materials to work with. I visit tip-shops, second-hand stores, garage sales, 'buy, swap & sell' sites, glaziers, and tile shops.

While mosaic is an artwork in itself, I do like them to take on a functional form.

I love to seek out and up-cycle vases of different shapes and sizes, seeing the design already wrapping around the shape and before I’m even out of the shop.

For inspiration I love to walk the beaches, looking for old glass, wondering where it may have come from, the form it had before now. Exploring the bush is another place I look for inspiration. Textures and colour are important features that make people want to touch and feel the mosaic.

                         Sky blue urn ready for grout, 2019

I stick to simple! It has worked through the centuries and has proven to last. I only use hand tools and after years of getting to know them I can cut all the shapes that I need.

Tesserae Forest before mounting

Tesserae Forest, Cooroy Butter Factory, 2017. Two panels each 600mm x 1200 mm

Tesserae Forest, Cooroy Butter Factory, 2017. Two panels each 600mm x 1200 mm

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